- Amo los títulos, Yo también , Exhibition text for Reflejo de un sueño, by Claudia del Rio, 2023.
- Nueva Exposición de Celeste Najt en Quimera, Wipe, by Victoria Cóccaro, 2023.
- Reflejo de un Sueño, Revista Otra Parte, by Celina Abud, 2023.
- Costa Books Edition, Introduction by Victoria Cóccaro, 2018.
- Into the Moment, about Future Expectations, Everlasting Nostalgia Series by Rebekah Boudon, 2014
- Chaos is come Again, about Ainiaaksi o Para Siempre Series by Rebekah Boudon, 2014.
- Shadow and Light, about Immer Series, By Rebekah Smith, 2014.
- Cartografía Propia, about The Unexpected Part of Life, By Victoria Cóccaro, 2014.
- Text for the show 'Painting the New Path' in AWA Gallery, Holland, by Josefina Barcia, 2012.
- Recorridos Visuales, BK MAG, by Nicolás Sobrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.
- Entrevistamos a la artista visual y collagista, BK MAG, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.
- POLAROIDS signados por la inmediatez, BK MAG, by Nicolás Sobrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.
- Celeste Najt Interview, NOT PAPER, by Aprile Elcich, USA, 2010.
- Interview Badger Badger Projects, by Michael Davis, Carlisle, UK, 2009.
- Celeste Najt Interview, DMAG, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008
- El Tigre Celeste, un rugido en Palermo, Si! Diario Clarín, by Mariano Del Aguila, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2007.
- Original Voice Mag, by Agostina Cavallero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006.